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October Newsletter

Hello Parents and Students,

We hope has September started successfully! It’s super exciting to see how each and every student will grow this year. If there are any questions or concerns that arise anytime throughout this term, please let us know.


Please note that there will be scheduled lessons on the following days: Monday, Oct. 14 and Thursday, Oct. 31st. If you have made plans and are unavailable this evening, please contact your teacher directly to schedule a makeup lesson. Please note that teachers require 48 hours notice in order to be considered for a makeup lessons.


To start off the beginning of this year’s music study, we would like to give you advice on practicing. As a developing musician and even a well-seasoned professional, practice is of course a very important step in success. Here are some points we would like you to consider and remind yourself throughout the year:

  1. Consistency- Are there any last minute crammers out there? Don’t be scared to admit it, as you are not alone! Practice becomes much more efficient when you break down your practice into smaller segments each day. Music is both a cognitive and physical task… it probably isn’t as easy as cramming for a mini math test the next day in school because your motor skills are slower to develop than the mind. If you want to see a good rate of growth, consistency is the key. Better yet, students that break practice into smaller amounts end up enjoying the art much more and become part of your daily routine!

  1. The importance of routine- All students work differently, but try giving yourself a set time in front of the piano. Practicing right after school (Before running to the fridge and sitting yourself down on the couch) have had really good feedback. The more you wait it off into the day, the harder it seems to get into the practice. Some students even stated that practicing before school was very effective… obviously only for the early risers!

  1. Intrinsic Motivation- This is motivation from within yourself. Together with your teachers, set goals you would like to achieve and why. When you understand the “why” part, practice becomes more natural and much much easier! The other type of motivation is called extrinsic motivation. This is where practice gets based off bribes or treats, and rewards that come from outside of music. Although a healthy balance could be established, try not to immerse yourself in only extrinsic factors. It works for a period of time, but once the reward starts getting old you are heading for trouble!

*The most important thing of all is to have fun and enjoy your path in music! We are so grateful you chose music to be a part of your life. You won’t regret it!

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